sâmbătă, 30 mai 2009

Gurghiului Valley Festival

Every year in September at Ibanesti is organized festival ''Gurghiului Valley ... Kings Valley''. Organizing a festival of traditions, habits, and allow good air cleaner Gurghiului Valley was born from the need to promote the tourist potential of the area , unexploited potential in the present, although the area is known as being the purest country air and the ozone layer from Lapusna (local sitută Valley Gurghiului) being the highest density in Europe.

The phrase Gurghiului Valley Festival-Valley region is the historical reality of substrate, this Royal House of Romania under regulatory Ferdinand in 1925 built a beautiful castle hunting from Lapusna, the valley was visited afterwards by Carol II, King Michael and other important monarch and aristrocaţi of times. After the seizure of the castle by the Communist regime, Gurghiului Valley was the favorite place for hunting parties and fishing times higher, Nicolae Ceauşescu aducâdu them here on numerous heads of state as Hruşciov, Tito or Jivcov.

No Gurghiului Valley today is not forgotten by the great hunters of the country given peisagisticii exceptional beauty and wealth of wildlife, but tourism is practiced here limit, perhaps intentionally, to this group and private holiday homes.

Therefore the Festival Gurghiului Valley-Valley Regilor porpune to relaunch their point of view of tourism and tourism investment in this beautiful area, the festival wishing to become in fact a large exhibition of authentic Transylvanian village with specific traditions and local obiceiiurilor and historical influences aristocrat. Festival that will put a great emphasis on the traditions of hunting and fishing specific Gurghiului Valley.

Festival aims to concentrate a large number of participants from urban areas, we invite you to discover the richness of ethnographic resources, landscapes and tourist areas of the preferred region, dictators and presidents of states.

4 comentarii:

  1. wonderful description i`m sure that everybody who reads this would like to go and participate at this festival

  2. HY, I recognize a lot of places that you described, they are really nice, bye

  3. It's a really awesome fest, because it is about our traditions. Very few care about our old habits and traditions, so this fest I think it's a great opportunity to attract youngsters, the future of our country! It is also made in a wonderful area, in places that everybody likes to be, because everybody loves nature. I am sure that I won't miss the festival next year!
