sâmbătă, 30 mai 2009
As keeper of the old ancient customs of always showing the presence of ancestors, among them people from the Valley Gurghiului transmitted from generation to generation, feelings of joy and pain. Many of these customs, traditions have been preserved unaltered, but some are starting to disappear or have lost their originality. In what follows, we will present some traditional, traditional customs that are passing.
Metric sheep
Since ancient times, the population was occupied breeding and, in particular, sheep. Each family had between 10-20 sheep, which were collected in spring every 500-600 herds of sheep, which were moved to pasture in the mountains. Herds were driven by a responsible fold (the fold Birau) which, with a number of fellow owners of sheep, engage during the summer to care the sheep during grazing. Before you climb the mountain sheep, each owner on a fixed, which was unique in common - which is maintained today - it had fixed the place where the sheep were collected to measure and sheep milk which was to receive the cheese. Morning the sheep were moved to pasture, and by noon time, when the world was gathered, each owner is looking for the sheep, the milk and milk responsible for this sheepfold or another shepherd. Based on the quantity of milk, cheese agreed that it will receive after the sheep. The measures were conventional wooden vessels, which meet the requirements of the household. The most common measures, which actually are today, were: turn = 24 kg. cheese dogs = 12 kg. cheese potoriţa = 6 kg. cheese. The quantity of cheese had surrendered to the owner of the sheep autumn. After measurement sheep, festively dressed women, sit on green grass and eating and drinking began to take up spending the night. This tradition has its significance, because hodăcenilor shows that ancestors had occupied the base and that oieritul each spring event to honor a particularly fast.
Girls cry
Which is usually a call, an invitation, and the tendency of defects satirizare of girls. It is that every year on the evening of May 5 (this date is not today respect) sons gather in groups in trees urcau is higher and, in the form of dialogue, called the girls in a jokes after launching the call for participation on the day of the Fair Sîngeorzului Gurghiu. To better known for its port and show the richness of dance, young people from all municipalities of Valley Gurghiului, Friday, on May 6 at Fair Sîngeorzului (fair girls) from Gurghiu. Each joint work with Taraful music and organize their reel outdoors, are acquaintances, friends link. Wet wives sign of prosperity, plenty of that decades on end has been celebrated for many generations, is usually a father. This holiday, along with other local folk customs, it is imperative that the importance of a grant and local people through massive, both environment and atmosphere of the party. Being related to a religious holiday Whit, date varies, but not beyond the first decade of June. For three days, the "big bridge" locals participating in row. Day two is the most important because in this day participants to take the most beautiful and authentic costumes, the parade is a true port and a popular game. But the most important fact is that this event involved young wife married in the event last year. As a sign of preţuirii of respect, young wives have the honor to play in the first rows. Next series of local games: jump, up and across. In the run game, a sign of the leading hora, usually the older one, the whole fuss, Dancing in pairs, going to the river riverbed, watch hundreds of spectators seated on both sides of the river Gurghiu, pending climax moment. When the cortege reached the river bank, to head a cry of "water me!" Wives who are in front are taken into the arms of dancers, who moved toward the water line. The young wife shouts, arms struggle in healthy men, like asking the help of their husbands, who are the shore and begin negotiations with jucăuşii. Fair consists in granting the wife of a man Payments drink. When the deal is concluded, is to marry the man who in the crowd a kiss. If that man happens to a wife not reach agreement with the dancer, it leaves the water to all and shame hazul man. Elders say that once were cases where wives have put water brought divorce. Column dancers and put in motion, returning to the place of departure. Starting up and shout in glee, sons fight land power, spin and dance steps in girls and wives. Dancing continued until late evening.
It is usually related to traditional harvest joy. After finishing hold, secerătorii, împleteu crown of spice, which was placed on the head of the most hardworking and reaping, reaping framed by others, starting at the village. On entering the village fog sing the song: "God where crown was / is the place to hold / ladies stack grow as house / hoop And as mass / From a sheaf MIERT place them in / from a stack, three lădoaie . On hearing the song people went to show wear and admire, and the children accompanying the group until it lost in the brilliance. Today this usually is not practical.
Usually related to work, is the practice in the long winter evenings. Girls and young gather in a house, usually a widow woman or older, with plans for the winter to leave, and young girls, with forks or knitting, and to keep flăcăii ugly, to tell stories or to enliven the atmosphere. Owner of the house was paid for it with food, and it led flăcăii two of the three wood. Lighting being made by oil, it was gone from home, in turn, by the girls. Were common in many şezători which were frequented by young people, but especially for girls, which in addition to work, had occasion to meet the beloved or to make other friends. In many cases, was şezătoarea where friendship turns into marriage. At şezătoare girls were placed with their sweethearts of that maintenance, or the joke, they broke from rock band. If I fall face down time, it amounted to a kiss. It was an atmosphere of joy, full of laughter, especially when saying some jokes from the best of my mouth. Here at şezătoare was the place where singing doinele is also a school of local traditions. Today, there is şezătorile. They were kept until after the Second World War.
Continental climate, influenced by the lack of positive currents, temperatures are characterized by annual average 9 degrees Celsius, with maximum in July of 20 degrees Celsius, indicating a temperate climate with warm summers and less cold winters relative. In general, people in the Valley Gurghiului not complain too much heat, as very rarely remain pending rain. The largest quantities of rainfall in the months of spring and the lowest rainfall is întregistrează in August and September. Prevailing winds are crivăţul and Austria, who beat the weak to moderate. After very warm days, there are storms, sometimes accompanied by hail.
Hydrographic network of the massive and the whole area of the Valley Gurghiului water is collected Gurghiului. Elder masses below pâraiele spring and beautiful Lapusna Creanga White and Frăţileasa, Găinuşa, Tătarca with her beautiful legend and Dragus leaves out full of energy all tributaries and Secuieului who have come under Saca Peak Sea and connects all the way suratelor his and bringing them vărsându Lapusna Valley, which together with Gate and art craftsmen right, Sebes left, cut and beautiful road leads Gurghiului Valley collecting: Para Nergu, Fâncel, Fătăciuniţa, Tisieu, Tireu, Isticeu, Valley Caşvei , right, left, and Calin, Sirodul, Prislopului, Bucin, Floreşti, Dulcea, stones and Orşova, to lead them and to leave Mureş.
Continental climate, influenced by the lack of positive currents, temperatures are characterized by annual average 9 degrees Celsius, with maximum in July of 20 degrees Celsius, indicating a temperate climate with warm summers and less cold winters relative. In general, people in the Valley Gurghiului not complain too much heat, as very rarely remain pending rain. The largest quantities of rainfall in the months of spring and the lowest rainfall is întregistrează in August and September. Prevailing winds are crivăţul and Austria, who beat the weak to moderate. After very warm days, there are storms, sometimes accompanied by hail.
Hydrographic network of the massive and the whole area of the Valley Gurghiului water is collected Gurghiului. Elder masses below pâraiele spring and beautiful Lapusna Creanga White and Frăţileasa, Găinuşa, Tătarca with her beautiful legend and Dragus leaves out full of energy all tributaries and Secuieului who have come under Saca Peak Sea and connects all the way suratelor his and bringing them vărsându Lapusna Valley, which together with Gate and art craftsmen right, Sebes left, cut and beautiful road leads Gurghiului Valley collecting: Para Nergu, Fâncel, Fătăciuniţa, Tisieu, Tireu, Isticeu, Valley Caşvei , right, left, and Calin, Sirodul, Prislopului, Bucin, Floreşti, Dulcea, stones and Orşova, to lead them and to leave Mureş.
Located in eastern Transylvania Plateau in north-eastern county of Mures, Gurghiului Valley is a picturesque way, combining hardness with kindness mountain hills. Located at the foot Gurghiu * Mountains (Eastern Carpathians), this area is alive with the pride that was once occupied by the Geto-Dacians. Valley of the crests of mountains begins and ends in the area to urbanize Reghina where Gurghiului flows in the river Mureş.
Flora is specific hilly and mountain areas: herbs, berries, oak, beech, fir, and snowdrop unicatul mottled. The fauna is rich, feral pigs, and bears cerbii-găsindu here and a supportive environment. Raul Gurghiu is filled with trout, so Gurghiului Valley is recommended not only as a place suitable for hunting, but also as one for fishing.
Climate is continental and is characterized by annual temperatures of 9 degrees Celsius average, with maximum in July of 20 degrees Celsius, indicating a temperate climate with warm summers and less cold winters relative. Also on Lapusna is the largest concentration of ozone in Romania.
Valley Gurghiului păstrătoarea is some old habits, customs and folk traditions, some of which are specific only to this area.
Hardworking people, proud, and fierce, Gurghiului Valley remained in memory and the Transylvanian locals protest against the communist authorities. Naţionalizării historical episode of law and mandatory quotas were faced with a local message located at the bridge Hodacului: "Until democracy here, over here Hodacu '!"
* Gurghiu Mountains are part of the largest volcanic chain in Europe (Oaş - Gutai - Tibles - Călimani - Gurghiu - Harghita)
Local attractions
Geographic Area of Valley Gurghiului has specific component unique.
Mocear Forest - a forest of secular oaks, perhaps the most elderly of Romania (about 700 years). Area, which is a fund hunting teaching conducted over 50 hectares, was declared natural.
Dendrological Park - are here, along with local species, exotic species of trees in Australia, North America, South America, Japan. The park was arranged in 1740 by Bornemisza family, in the feudal court of Gurghiu.
Poiana Narciselor from Gurghiu (reserve of flora).
Historical Monuments: Church of St. Nicholas of wood and Lapusna Gurghiu of feudal castle (built in 1733 by family Bornemisza).
Lapusna Castle
Lapusna Castle was owned by King Carol II. This was the favorite hunting place of the royal family of Romania, the house of Habsburg, and then even the Ceausescu family.
All these used to establish the headquarters during the hunting picturesque Castle Lapusna. After 1989, often came here to hunt and Ion Tiriac Prince Dimitrie Sturdza, who were joined by various European and American hunters.
The whole area has become famous after many hunters here have set world records in trophies carpathian brown bear, black goats and deer. In total, there were obtained more than 300 gold medals for hunting trophies.
Castle Lapusna is composed of 7 building with 35 rooms and a park in the area of 4 hectares.
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